Friday 23 May 2008

Raise a clog to Mr Timpson

Well done Mr Timpson on your by-election victory. The scale of the majority was in excess of what I predicted (roughly 5000), so I must congratulate you, David Cameron and the Tory team for making the victory so emphatic.

Maybe the Tory party can now learn from this for future by-elections and test it out again in Henley. They should hope to increase their majority.

It does seem that New Labour has now ceased to be the force it once was. There will now be open back-biting and Gordon Brown is living on borrowed time. It's over.


Thursday 22 May 2008

How can the Labour Party turn this around?

How can the Labour Party improve its fortunes? I think the only way to do this is to start with the premise that Gordon Brown won't be able to do it. They also need to take a look at the route the Tories took.

Firstly, they need to recognise another coronation will not be able to do it. It got better for Michael Howard but the Tories still lost the election. The public will probably not take to a second unelected Prime Minister. Secondly, there needs to be an image switch away from the characters of the old guard from the Blairite/Brownite division.

The best way to do this would be to have an election in the same way the Tories did after the 2005 defeat. Although David Cameron was relatively unknown, the leadership election gave the Tories some great coverage and gave DC momentum to win - a momentum that carried him through when he gained the leadership. There needs to be an open debate about direction.

Only then will the Labour Party recover, but will they do this? I doubt it. The Labour Party does not regicide, so GB will probably trundle on. If it does do the unthinkable, they will probably go with someone associated with the past, Jack Straw maybe?

One thing that I find ironic in recent history, the Tory party splits along policy lines but has the will to depose it's leader. The Labour party splits along personality and characters, but will not get rid of their leader.


Tuesday 20 May 2008

Crewe & Nantwich

It's been fascinating watching the Crewe & Nantwich by-election campaign. I'm 35 years old and I've never seen the Tories gain a seat off another party at a by-election, but this time it seems like it might happen.

The Labour campaign has been disgusting. Apart from the Tory Toff's element, there has also been the raising of immigration and I read that they were saying that Edward Timpson was a friend of paedophiles because he had defended some in his job as a barrister.

When Labour is defeated on Thursday, the recriminations will fly. It's going to get even more rocky for Gordon Brown. Rumours today said that Alan Milburn is going to challenge for the leadership if Labour do spectacularly badly.

Each week seems to bring bad news for Gordon Brown and Labour. It feels more febrile than the dog days of John Major. How much longer before he is ousted?


Monday 5 May 2008

Well Done Boris

After a short break, I'm back. Congratulations to Boris Johnson for winning the London Mayoralty, I said to a friend that it would be a 6% lead and it proved to be correct.

The country's mood has changed and it is irreparable for Gordon Brown. We will now see his Government collapse like a flan in a cupboard. The knives are already beginning to show.

I think Boris Johnson will prove to be much better than we first thought, and be an effective Mayor. There will be a blaze of announcements over the next few days.

The Tories are officially back in business.


Friday 2 May 2008

BBC calls it a 20% lead for the Tories

So, it's 44% Tory, 24% Labour and 25% LibDem. It show's the recent opinion polls have been roughly right and that this is the nadir of Labour's support. It is just like 1995. Even being beaten into third.

More than 200?

The Tories have taken Southampton and are now up by 49 seats. Amazing! It's only 0:49 am.

Wow, 200+ for the Tories

It was seen as difficult for the Tories to gain 200 seats. It now looks plausible. It's looking bad for Labour and so-so for the Lib Dems.


Looking good so far

Con 8 councils
Lab 1 council
LD 1 council
NOC 1 council

Thursday 1 May 2008

Love it!

Election day, and I'm excited. I really like election day, and I'm going to try and watch the election night special on BBC 1. It's just started and I think Boris is going to win by 6%, Tories gain 170 seats, Labour lose 150 and Lib Dems lose 20.

Should be fun!
