Monday 5 November 2007

56 Days Later

I mentioned in an earlier post that both Gordon Brown and David Cameron had made some good speeches recently. Of course I am deliberately forgetting GB's speech at the Labour Party Conference when he used a very BNP phrase 'British jobs for British people' for a policy which he cannot enact.

No, I meant his speech on liberty. He pushed all the right buttons. It is great to hear such oratory but it will be the policies which will determine GB's commitment to liberty. If all the leaking (from the no spinning Government) is to be believed tomorrow's Queen's speech will announce a proposal to increase the number of days a person can be detained without trial from 28 days to 56. So much for liberty and the British sense of fair play.

I wonder why GB would push for this, there has been no evidence provided that prosecutions have failed due to the 28 day limit. Is it to look tough? I think it would fail to get through the Commons leaving him looking weak. As it is the Labour benches are beginning to act Zombie like, just like the film 28 Days Later.


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