Friday 21 December 2007

Just when you thought it was safe

It looked like we were going to have a little quiet time in politics over the Christmas. In fact it has been reported that Gordon Brown has already departed for the holiday period, and I think he deserves a chance for some peaceful rest. He has been looking tired of late and according
to the press the problems experienced by the Government have only made him work harder.

So let's wish him a good break.

Unfortunately, he does have some more bad news. At the Labour Party Conference he said,

"Let me be clear: any newcomer to Britain who is caught selling drugs or using guns will be thrown out. No one who sells drugs to our children or uses guns has the right to stay in our country...If you commit a crime you will be deported from our country. You play by the rules or face the consequences."

Today, a leaked memo has said that foreign prisoners with a prison sentance less than 12 months will not be deported. So GB has been stung by his own speech yet again, remember "British jobs for British workers"!. It's all well and good saying these things if you have a cat in hell's chance of putting it into action. Apart from, in some cases, being illegal it just makes
the public trust politicians less.

So GB, do have a good break. It can be a time to think about the last few months, and remind you of some of the things you've said that people don't believe. How about "I don't look at polls." No-one believed that. You wanted to build trust, well please don't treat the electorate as idiots.

Merry Christmas, GB.


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