Wednesday 4 March 2009

Sorry is such a small word

Gordon Brown came the closest he has ever done to accepting some responsibility for the economic crisis we find ourselves in, and apologising for it. But he still can't get over that final hurdle. He's still saying that this all started in America (although he won't say that to Congress!), and accepts no responsibility for allowing a mountain of debts to pervade our banking system. He even says that he's not sure that tougher regulation will have stopped the collapse, I think that a reasonable debt to capital ratio might have helped!

He won't accept responsibility for inflicting the Government with a mountain of debt before the crisis started and leaving it with few options. So which responsibility is he owning up to? Also he recognises that 'humility is needed'. Go on then, show some. Don't blather on about what is needed, just do it. Go on. Until you do, this is the narrative of the Government.


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