Monday 18 January 2010

Brown's shameless grab for the middle

You’ve got to admire the sheer cheek of it. Gordon Brown is now a middle class warrior, declaring that he will protect the middle classes.
Er, come again? Wasn’t it Mr Brown who decimated the middle class pension pot with his cack handed raid on pension dividends. Or did he put NI contributions up time and time again? Or did he try to stop city academies? Or did he introduce IR35 legislation? Or did he introduce a 50% tax rate? Or did he increase stamp duty? Or did his Government force parents to register on the child register to take kids and friends to football matches?
All of these things. Tony Blair had a feel for the middle classes, so did Mandelson – they understand aspiration. Brown never has, so it’s a bit rich now for him to ask us to trust him.
I never will.

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