Tuesday 23 March 2010

The LibDems contradiction

If you take a look at the LibDems policy document you will see two contradictory policy statements, showing confused thinking:
Fairer local taxes: Scrap the unfair Council Tax – The Council Tax is an unfair tax which bears no relationship to the ability to pay. Liberal Democrats believe that it should be scrapped and replaced with a fair local tax, based on people’s ability to pay. We will pilot a fair local income tax in areas that choose to try it out.
Cutting taxes for people on low and middle incomes - … The change will be paid for by introducing a mansion tax…
It’s interesting that they hide the mansion tax away as a small sentence rather than give it the headline section that it demanded when Vince announced it at conference.
The Lib Dems state that they want fairness, and that they want to get rid of the council tax because it ‘bears no relationship to the ability to pay whereas they are happy for a property tax even if it ‘bears no relationship to the ability to pay just as long as the property is a big one.
Muddled me thinks.

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