Friday 7 May 2010

Election aftermath blog



dua said...

i saw this & thought of you:
from the guardian:
"At polling stations in Hackney, east London, ... The council estimated that 270 voters were turned away at four polling stations in the south of the borough. One of those turned away was a Conservative council candidate."

dua said...

you ask for details of 3 hour waits - unfortunately i can only find vague reports of 3 hour waits with no details, but i have found some 1st hand reports of over an hour from guardian website:
"... I went to the Ann Taylor Centre at about 8:55pm to vote. People coming out were saying it was taking up to 1.5 hours to vote. And at 10pm they sealled the ballot boxes and told those of us who had been queuing that we couldn't vote ..."

another person said:
"...Huge queues Hackney South/De Beauvoir - got there bit after 8 after a long day at the hospital and then putting the kids to bed - and only just in before 10 ..."