Wednesday 31 August 2011

A bridge too far

Apologies for not posting as often as I once did. Especially for the one reader...

The last six months have been really busy. I'm in a new job in a new industry, which is a lot more stressful than before. I've also started playing Bridge, two or three times a week. It's a great game of partnerships and cooperation, maybe something the coalition could learn from.

Which brings me to the wondrous prophet, Vince cable. There's a saying that if you put 100 economists in a room you'll get 200 opinions (or something like that). The business secretary show this admirably.

Today, in the same interview, he says that the banks need to be broken up now but also that his great worry is about growth! Does he not get that a complicated overhaul of banking regulation now will damage prospects for recovery. Better to leave it until the recovery haz bedded in for a couple of years.

He also days that he's not worried about anew financial crisis. In April he said that he was most worried about a new financial crisis. The man is no sage after all.

In fact he's a bit of an embarrassment now. What once seemed refreshing now seems like muddled headed ness.


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