Wednesday 21 November 2018

The Deal

I'm in conflict. The EU Withdrawal agreement is horrible. I hate it. Especially that the notorious backstop that can only be escaped with the agreement of the EU. It seems to be a serious loss of sovereignty. In fact there is so much to hate. I really don't want it and would rather have a no deal.


I suspect that if it fails, there will be no Brexit and possibly the Government will fail. Is it worth this bad deal in the hope that the Prime Minister is ousted in favour of a Brexiteer once we get into the transition period? That new PM could get a better final deal?

The Government and PM have made such a hash of it. The only solace I know is that Corbyn and his lot would be worse. But it could have been so much better if we'd played hardball.

Oh how I wish it had played out so much better. I suspected Theresa May would make a bad PM and I've been proved right. If only we'd had a proper Brexiteer as PM. It looks like its probably too late to get the Brexit we want and deserve.

Such a shame!

I don't know what I want now.


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