Wednesday 30 October 2019

Thank God for that

An election is on.

After three attempts to get an election via the dreadful Fixed Term Parliament Act failed, the workaround worked. Ironically, it was passed by 438 votes to 20 using a simple workaround bill. It needed 434 to pass via the FTPA! Corbyn's excuse of needing 'no deal' to be taken off the table seemed to work on Tuesday but not on Monday, even though the EU had granted the extension. The difference was that the SNP and Lib Dems had decided for an election and Labour couldn't be seen as the only party not wanting one!

Anyway, thank God that the parliament is nearly at an end. Hopefully we will get a new Tory Government with a reasonable majority to deliver Brexit. Woe betide us that we get any other result as it would either be a similar result to now, or even worse: a Corbyn Government. That would be dreadful. I can't imagine it, and so really hope it does not happen. My partner has already decided that we should leave the country if Corbyn becomes PM.

It will be a fascinating election.

Oh and to top it off, we also see the end of John Berk-ow as speaker. The pompous idiot has finally gone.



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