Monday 15 February 2010

What do we think of Brown's interview?

Watching the Piers Morgan interview last night was a strange affair. He came across well when discussing his family, you could not help to be touched by the segment when he talked about his children.

He looked different though when discussing politics, when he talked about being angry about Tony Blair becoming leader, he said "but the anger went away quite quickly". I wouldn't class the seething resentment of 10 years being "quite quickly". There were points when you wanted to shout at the screen, for instance when GB mentioned that he'd made many mistakes - any interviewer worth his salt would ask "what was your biggest mistake?".

It was clear that Piers Morgan is a family friend, and so would not give the PM a hard time. It does raise questions of political bias in the run up to an election. I understand that David Cameron has turned down a similar offer, but I'm sure that ITV has not offered a friendly interviewer to do it. I can't believe that the ex-editor of the Mirror would give as easy ride to the Tory leader as to the PM.

I expect GB's personal ratings to increase by a few points and maybe an extra percentage on the Labour share. I expect a totally different poll response when GB has to face tough questions from the public, Paxo & Humphreys during an election campaign. He has ducked these media contests in the past, so we'll see in a few weeks time. I can't wait.


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