Thursday 15 April 2010

The Debate (Part 1)

This is my blog during the debate...

- Everyone is wearing the right colour tie

- All good opening statements

- Immigration - it sounds like Gordon Brown stops people coming in if he speaks to them. Good answers by Cameron and Clegg. Brown says it is falling, that's due to the fact our economy is in the mud. Clegg makes flippant remark on a cap. Brown is not performing well on this point.

- Law & Order - Good point by Cledd on ID cards. Do people believe Gordon Brown when he says that 80% of police time needs to be on the street? Doesn't mention burglary. Cameron recognizes the drug problem related to burglary, very good point. Clegg performing well, but what is the policy? Brown is a one trick pony on funding. Has to mention Ashcroft too.

- Expenses - Brown can't talk about irresponsibility. Hello, £167Bn deficit. We know AV voting has nothing to do with expenses. Clegg doing a plague on both your houses again. Brown is trying to love-bomb Clegg. Brown has been found out saying that Clegg supports him. He doesn't. David Cameron is mediating!

- Education - Brown has no new answers on Education. Same old. Cameron is not answering the questioner's point. Oh, he is now. Clegg is answering it properly. Clegg is saying the same as Cameron. Brown's "every school has to be a good school", oh please. We know that, and it is not going to happen. Cameron mentions discipline, hurrah! Massage suite in the Department of Children, Schools etc, oh that's how Ed Balls gets bugging eyes. One trick pony Brown again - more money. He talks discipline but doesn't mean it.

- No adverts, amazing. If only they'd done it for Formula 1.

- Budget deficit - Cameron doing well tonight. Brown sometimes looks like he is about to pout. Brown mentions taking money out of the economy - it is not out of the economy it's in people's pockets. Stop lying. Please Cameron tackle him on it. Clegg doesn't sound so sure on the Economy. Brown only believes the Government can bring us out of the recession. Glad to see Cameron attacking the LibDems. Cameron please talk about this line of taking money out the economy! Please! Now's your chance. Missed it.

- Armed Forces - Brown is doing the father of the nation voice again. Nobody believes him on equipment. Cameron makes a good point on the TA. Good point by Clegg. Cameron says we should keep Trident. A good point by Brown, it can be a bargaining chip. Cameron attacks Brown on helicopters - is he going to lie now?

- Health - Cameron is very effusive about the care his son received. Clegg points out all the closures. Brown bangs on about personal guarantees. Brown can't shake his head when NI increase will take money out of NHS. He's doing it again. Cameron seems knowledgeable about cancer drugs. Inheritance tax! Not the biggest issue in the Tory manifesto.

- Elderly care - Cameron makes a good point. Clegg wants unity. Brown is spending money as we speak. Cameron makes good speech about carers. Cameron tries to bring the manifesto into play. Clegg ends on the consensus note.

- Closing statements - Clegg does his name check. Brown tries to be populist. Brown tries to scare, Cameron tries hope. Cameron has the best finish.


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