Tuesday 27 April 2010

If I hear "I'm not the Kingmaker, the public are" again...

...I might be sick.

Nick Clegg know's this is a semi-truth. Sure the public can create a scenario where no one has a majority, but at that point their involvement ends. Politicians take over in a series of electoral trysts, dosey do-ing with each other until they find the partner they want in a sort of party political speed dating.

At the end of the process the engagement is announced, but the public have no choice of popping up at the moment of 'does anyone here know of any just impediment...' to say hang on a minute. The wedding takes place, with everyone knowing the marriage won't last. In the end the inevitable divorce happens and finally the people get their say.

If we get PR, this will be a permanent feature. I can't bear to think about it. Pass the bucket.


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