Monday 26 October 2009

The failure of Labour's schemes

George Osborne today made a significant speech about Labour's failures in tackling the recession and what the Tories would do about it. It was an impressive speech, but what struck me was the scale of the failure of the Governments plans. If George Osborne is correct then these are the figures.

- The Capital for Enterprise fund has helped just 5 companies.

- The Mortgage Rescue Scheme has helped 15 families.

- The Trade Credit Insurance Scheme has helped 58 businesses with £13 million, it was designed to supply £5 billion!

- The Guarantee for Asset Backed Securities has not provided any guarantees yet.

- The £2.3 billion Automotive Assistance Programme has not provided funds to anyone yet.

We know that the car scrappage scheme has worked, but it looks like nothing else has. Including the VAT cut.

What a waste of time. Gordon Brown says the Tories would do nothing to help, well he should look to himself because that is what his government has achieved. I think the £50 billion loan guarantee would have been better than all these schemes!


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