Tuesday 6 October 2009

Lord Falconer makes an arse of himself

On the Today programme this morning Lord Falconer asserted that it is right to separate out the law lords from the House of Lords because the House makes laws and the judiciary do not. What an arse!
As someone who sat on the woolsack for several years in the House of Lords he should know something about the place! Has he never heard of legal precedence? Law Lords can change the law by interpreting the law differently, hence creating a precedent. It's common practice, and sits alongside the two Houses as being creators of laws in this land.
I would have thought he would know this, but wonders never cease. The fact that law lords (people who actually understand the law) sat in the Lords actually can help make better laws. If the Labour party had made more use of them we may have more effective law rather than page after page of the muddled thinking which has passed on the statute book over the last 12 years. It's not surprising that the Labour party has done much to wreck the great constitution of this land when they don't even understand it. The supreme court was a fudge after a botched re-shuffle, and they have not given a good enough reason to practice this constitutional vandalism.

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