Wednesday 7 October 2009

The public say they want honesty - let's see how they react to it

Yesterday was  a major speech by George Osborne and also a major gamble. Not since the shadow budget in 1992 has an opposition told the people that they will have to suffer some pain to get the things they want. Generally in the run up to an election the parties try to give some cheap give-away, who can forget the reduced council tax for pensioners in 2005 - it only lasted one year!
So George presented a list of policies which would affect people negatively and that is brave. In fact, in Sir Humphrey speak it could be 'courageous'. After the expenses scandal, the public said they wanted honesty. They now have some. By all means, they are not getting the full picture - there would be other cuts and tax rises under a Tory Government. But after the Labour party conference, when the debt mountain was hardly mentioned and another list of spending pledges were made, half a picture is better than looking at the reverse of the frame!
For me, I thought it was a deeply serious message and would have done George Osborne some credit as a future Chancellor. The bond markets have already improved. So for him, I think it was job done. It was a depressing speech though, so for David Cameron's speech I want him to touch on the tough message, but bring some light and optimism back to the nation. We need to see the darkness, but the light at the end of the tunnel must be visible and within reach.

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